Autonomous belt stair climber - CLIMBER BEFREE (completion in the Czech Republic)

The CLIMBER BEFREE autonomous stair climber is suitable for clients who have a problem with installing another special device, i.e. a stair or vertical lifting platform, at their place of residence or work. Another use is for more active clients with a wide range of interests who assume that lifting platforms will not be installed everywhere they move, as well as for those who, despite their disability, want to maintain relative self-service in their residence, outdoor premises, work or school.

Autonomous crawler - CLIMBER BEFREE. (assembly - Czech Republic)

The CLIMBER BEFREE autonomous stair climber is suitable for clients who have a problem with installing another special device, i.e. a stair or vertical lifting platform, at their place of residence or work. Another use is for more active clients with a wide range of interests who assume that lifting platforms will not be installed everywhere they move, as well as for those who, despite their disability, want to maintain relative self-service in their residence, outdoor premises, work or school.

This autonomous stair climber is specially designed for operation between different staircases that are located at greater distances from each other. The stair climber's auxiliary wheels are intended for overcoming landings and are also used for entering and exiting the stairs. Belts are intended exclusively for climbing stairs. Controlling the stair climber is simple. Driving between stairs or on the landing is controlled by a joystick on the armrest. Here it is possible to regulate the speed and direction of travel, direction indicators, light and horn. The ride on the stairs is controlled by the second control panel. This controls the tilt of the stair climber, the lift of the auxiliary wheels and the direction of travel. CLIMBER BEFREE is a full-fledged stairclimber that does not need to be operated by another person on landings, between stairs and when driving on stairs. The stability and safety in all modes of its use is also excellent.

Dimensions are 65 x 90 x 112 cm.

Passing width: 72 cm.

Operating space from : 110 cm.

Carrying capacity: 150 kg.

Travel speed at landing: 10km/h.

Weight of the stair climber: 75 kg.

Stairclimber drive: 380 W.

Li-Ion battery: 24 V, 12 Ah.

Na tento autonomní pásový schodolez je poskytován příspěvek na zvláštní pomůcku "schodolez" od Úřadu práce. Pokud budete mít o tento schodolez zájem, naše společnost vám zpracuje nezávaznou cenovou nabídku. Příspěvek od Úřadu práce je stanoven dle cenové nabídky. Doplatek do 10 % z celkové ceny si klient hradí z vlastních zdrojů nebo charitativních darů. Zájemcům poskytujeme informace o možných způsobech řešení financování doplatku za tento schodolez. Zajišťujeme bezplatné předvedení a odzkoušení v místě vašeho bydliště. V případě zájmu o tento výrobek, technické informace a způsobu jeho financování nás kontaktujte na e-mailu: nebo na telefonu: 604 271 632.

Pro cenu schodolezu CLIMBER BEFREE a možnosti příspěvku na zvláštní pomůcku nás prosím kontaktujte. Seznámíme vás s možnostmi financování i s průběhem celé zakázky.

Please contact us for the price of the CLIMBER BEFREE stair climber, the possibility of a state subsidy and the progress of the order. We will introduce you to financing options and the course of the entire contract.